Donatello Styleguide

Donatello Styleguide

Source: css/2-tools/_tools.scss, line 1

2 Tools

Includes all the public mixins and helper functions. These globally-available tools should make our development flow easier.

Source: css/2-tools/functions.em.scss, line 1

2.1.1 Calculate px to em.

  • transform pixel to em.

    em($target, $context: $default-font-size);

Source: css/2-tools/functions.rem.scss, line 1

2.1.3 Calculate px to rem.

  • transform pixel to rem.

    rem($target, $context: $default-font-size);

Source: css/2-tools/mixins.font-face.scss, line 1

2.2.2 Font-face

  • @include font-face(font-family, font-source, font-weight, font-style)

    font-face($font-family, $src, $font-weight, $font-style);

Source: css/2-tools/mixins.grid.scss, line 1

2.2.3 Grid system

Used to build up the object grid.

Source: css/2-tools/, line 1

2.2.4 Media queries

The following media queries mixins are possible.

  • max-width and max-height
  • min-width and min-height
  • min-width and max-width
  • min-height and max-height
  • max-width
  • max-height
  • min-width
  • min-height
  • @include mq(min/max, width/height, min/max, width/height)

    mq($min-max1, $width-height1, $min-max2, $width-height2);